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Just notes we've gathered from magazines. See if anything helps.



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House tips

Tea bags- air freshner. Stash a few cinnamon, peppermint, or lemon tea bags in your car or a closet to absorb smells not mask them

Tea bags- plants. Bury used tea bag leaves just below potted houseplant surface. The nitrogen in tea leaves acts as a fertilizer.

Drinks - last minute for guest mix mint leaves, lemonade, pineapple juice and seltzer). For  happy hour... add vodka or tequila.


Dark Chocolate with @least 70% cocoa

Face mask - honey or yogurt w/ livecultures

Caffein Spray - smooth skin w/caf.spray as it pulls fluid  from beneath skin and dilates blood vessels and boost circulation to temporarily tighten connective tissue. Sprays can deliver 30% caffein for faster results. Get an atomized spray

Mask- Seaweed powdeer & almond oil (30mins)

Mask- Greek yogurt's lactic acid exfoilates and brightens skin. Apply weekly. Anti inflammatory& anti bacterial

Skin (trim inches in tummy). Mix 1c.olive oil, 6 drops peppermint oil, 1/2 cup finely ground coffee beans to make a loose paste. Apply in circular movement over the stomach then wrap with plastic wrap and keep for 15 minutes, then unwrap and rinse the skin. (Keep on in sauna if you can 10 mins). You should see an immediate difference.


Save rice water (after you boiled the rice) rich in vitaminb as a shine treatment for hair. After shampoo poor cooled rice water on hair & massage. Let stand for 5 minutes then rinse. Store in fridge up to 4 days.

Spray- mix 1c.water 2tbsp aloe vera juice, 2 tbs rosewater and 2tbsp vegetable glycerin (Shiny)

Spray- mix 2c.water, 2 tbs melted cocolnut oil, 4 drops of rosemary oil. Shake before each use/spray (Volume)


Fill a large bowl with whole milk & warm water. Soak feet for 10 minutes. Milk's lactic acid softens dry, cracked skin and calluses.


add 1tbsp of activated charcoal powder to smoothie (great for bloat & tiredness). Take 3 hours after medication.


Chromium 25mcg/day for females

18mg Iron (take with 1000mg Vitamin C). Do not exceek 3k VitC daily

Chlorophyll (help liver flush toxins & cut on fat burning genes)

2000mg omega3 daily

10mg lutein (eyes) or 1cup spinach daily

8-10,000 iu vitamin d (15 sitting in sunlight no sunblock)

500mg choline 1xdaily (liver detox or fat accumulates)

10oz tomatoe juice daily (belly jiggle- lycopene in t.j stimulate metabolism and lower inflammatory)

Yeast - cucumber &broccoli lowers yeast in gi tract

B12 (take 2.4mcg+ daily)

15-25 mg Zing

3-1200 mg L-lysine (prohibits growth of herpes virus)


Magazine tips.. 

© 2012 Mama Know Best 

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